Methylene blue improves hemodynamic shock but increases lipoperoxidation in severe acute pancreatitis pig model

Research performed at:

Department of Surgery and Anatomy, Ribeirão Preto Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo, SP, Brazil.

The authors:

Roberto Ferreira Meirelles Jr, Reginaldo Ceneviva, Fernanda Viaro, Caroline Floreoto Baldo, Paulo Roberto Barbosa Evora.

Study hemodynamic pattern and lipoperoxidation during methylene blue (MB) treatment on taurocholate-enterokinase induced acute pancreatitis (AP).

Thirty pigs were equally divided in control group:

  • MB group.
  • AP group.
  • MB previous AP group.
  • MB after 90 min of induced AP group.

MB was given iv in a bolus dose ( followed by maintenance dose (2 Hemodynamic parameters were recorded continuously during 180 min by Swan-Ganz catheter. Blood samples were taken every 60 min to determine arterial and venous nitrate, malondialdehyde (MDA) and amylase. Pancreatic tissue was removed for histopathologic study.

In this taurocholate-induced AP model MB treatment delayed hemodynamic shock and decreases serum nitrate levels but increases serum MDA levels. No volemic replacement was done and it may have been a mitigated factor to a poor tissue perfusion and impairment microcirculation. Further investigations are needed to elucidate MB treatment role during AP treatment.